May 8, 2023

Digital Marketing Audit : How and Why? - A Council Post

Get a comprehensive understanding of your digital presence with our expert-led Digital Audit. Boost your online performance today.

Digital audit is an essential process for businesses that want to ensure their online presence is optimized and effective. It involves a comprehensive analysis of a company's digital assets, including its website, social media accounts, and other online platforms. This type of audit can help identify areas where improvements can be made to increase traffic, engagement, and ultimately revenue.


For businesses looking to stay competitive in today's digital landscape, conducting regular digital audits is crucial. There are several types of digital audits that can be performed depending on the specific needs of the business. These include SEO audits, content audits, social media audits, and more.


During a digital audit, key areas are examined to determine how well they are performing. These areas may include website design and functionality, search engine optimization (SEO), content quality and relevance, social media engagement levels, and more.


The benefits of conducting a digital audit are numerous. By identifying areas for improvement through an audit process, businesses can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources to improve their online presence. This can lead to increased traffic and engagement with potential customers as well as higher conversion rates.


It is recommended that businesses conduct a digital audit at least once per year or whenever significant changes are made to their online presence. This ensures that any issues or opportunities for improvement are identified in a timely manner so that they can be addressed before they become larger problems.

Understanding Web Crawling in Digital Audits

Website crawl is an essential process that digital auditors use to analyze a website's technical health and search engine visibility. A web crawler or spider systematically browses through all the pages of a website, and completes a digital audit, collecting data about each page they visit. This information includes metadata, content, and images. In this section, we will discuss the importance of understanding website crawl in digital audits.

Identifying Technical Issues

One of the primary reasons why digital auditors use web crawling tools is to identify technical issues that may affect a site's search engine visibility. Web crawlers follow links on a website, which helps them identify broken links, duplicate content, and other issues that may affect its performance. By analyzing these issues, digital auditors can provide recommendations to improve a site's technical health.

Understanding Search Engine View

Web crawling also helps digital auditors understand how search engines view a website. Search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites based on several factors such as relevance and authority. By analyzing how web crawlers collect data from a site, digital auditors can identify opportunities for optimization to improve its ranking in search results.

Optimizing Site Structure

Another benefit of understanding website crawl is optimizing a site's structure for better search engine visibility. Digital auditors can analyze how web crawlers navigate through different sections of the site and make recommendations to optimize it for better user experience and improved ranking in search results.

Equipped for High-Quality Audits

Capabilities and approved processes are essential to ensure high-quality audits. Audit teams must have the necessary tools and frameworks to meet reporting requirements, while also ensuring that their work meets relevant standards. Access to evidence and support from service providers can also enhance the quality of audits and provide added security for the organization. Collaboration between audit teams and other departments within the company can help ensure that audits are conducted in accordance with relevant standards and requirements, while also providing valuable insights into the organization's services and operations.

Relevant Frameworks and Tools

Having access to relevant frameworks and tools is critical for audit teams. These resources can help auditors meet reporting requirements, as well as ensure that their work meets relevant standards. For example, using a risk-based approach can help auditors identify areas of concern that require further investigation. Using a standardized audit methodology can help ensure consistency in audit findings across different areas of the organization.


Audit teams must have the necessary capabilities to conduct high-quality audits. This includes having a thorough understanding of auditing principles, as well as knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices. Auditors should have strong analytical skills to evaluate complex data sets effectively.

Access to Evidence

Access to evidence is essential for conducting high-quality audits. This includes having access to documents such as financial statements or contracts. In some cases, third-party evidence may be required if internal documentation is not available or sufficient.

Support from Service Providers

Service providers can offer valuable support during an audit by providing additional expertise or resources when needed. For example, IT service providers may be able to provide technical support during an IT audit.

Collaboration with Other Departments

Collaboration between audit teams and other departments within the company is crucial for ensuring that audits are conducted in accordance with relevant standards and requirements while also providing valuable insights into the organization's services and operations. For example, working with the legal department can help ensure that audits are conducted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Similarly, collaborating with the finance department can provide valuable insights into financial reporting practices within the organization.

Digital Audit Outsourcing

If you're reading thus far and thinking β€œWow, this sounds like a ton of work!” you’re right.. Performing a digital audit can be a time-consuming task, which might not be ideal for individuals or businesses with limited resources or expertise. However, there is good news as outsourcing the task to a specialized agency can provide a solution. Agencies like AlteredPixel Digital Marketing Agency offer this service. AlteredPixel offers AlteredPixel Solutions, which follows a fractional executive model to help individuals and businesses navigate the complex digital landscape.


By hiring an out-sourced agency like AlteredPixel, you can delegate the digital audit task to professionals who have extensive experience and knowledge in this field. They can help identify areas of improvement, provide insights and recommendations, and even execute the action items to ensure that your digital presence is optimized and effective. This can save you time, resources, and help you achieve better results in the long run.


AlteredPixel Solutions is specifically designed to provide a cost-effective and efficient way for individuals and businesses to manage their digital presence. By using this service, you can access the expertise and resources of a specialized agency without having to commit to a full-time executive or hire an in-house team. This model allows you to scale your digital efforts according to your needs and budget, making it a flexible and sustainable solution for any business.

AlteredPixel Digital Marketing Digital Audit Philadelphia

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Your Digital Portfolio

Measuring the performance of your digital assets is crucial to understand how effectively you are reaching your target audience. Quantitative analysis involves analyzing data related to your digital portfolio, such as website traffic, social media engagement, and email open rates. On the other hand, qualitative analysis focuses on the depth of your digital portfolio, including the quality of your content, the effectiveness of your strategy, and the efficiency of your operations.


To conduct a comprehensive digital assessment, you need to cover all aspects of your online presence. This includes analyzing social media accounts, website content, and marketing campaigns. One useful tool for conducting a thorough analysis of your digital assets is the EY Canvas. It allows you to identify strengths and weaknesses in your digital strategy.

Quantitative Analysis: Measuring Data Related to Your Digital Assets

Website Traffic: Website traffic is one of the most important metrics for measuring online performance. By tracking website traffic over time using tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush, you can determine whether there has been an increase or decrease in visitors to your site.


Social Media Engagement: Social media engagement measures how actively people interact with your brand on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The number of likes, comments and shares can give insights into how well-received a particular post was.


Email Open Rates: Email open rates measure how many people opened an email that was sent out by you or your company. A low open rate may indicate that recipients are not interested in what you have to say or that they are not receiving emails at all.

Qualitative Analysis: Assessing Depth of Your Digital Portfolio

Quality Content: Quality content is essential for engaging with customers and building trust in a brand. Analyzing content quality involves assessing factors such as readability level, relevance to target audience and uniqueness.


Effective Strategy: An effective strategy means having clear goals that align with business objectives while also being flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market. Analyzing your strategy involves assessing factors such as target audience, messaging, and channels used.


Efficient Operations: Efficient operations involve ensuring that all aspects of your digital portfolio are working together seamlessly. This includes analyzing factors such as website functionality, social media management and email marketing automation.


By conducting a quantitative and qualitative analysis of your digital portfolio, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your online presence. This information can then be used to make informed decisions about future improvements. For example, if website traffic is low, it may be necessary to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) or content marketing efforts. If social media engagement is lacking, it may be necessary to focus on creating more engaging content or increasing the frequency of posts.

Harmonizing Business and Digital Metrics

Digital transformation has become a necessity for businesses to stay competitive in today's market. However, it is not enough to simply implement digital strategies without aligning them with overall business goals. A clear digital strategy must be developed that aligns business objectives with digital metrics.


Choosing the right metrics is crucial in measuring progress towards achieving business goals. Metrics should be chosen based on their ability to measure progress towards specific objectives. For instance, if the goal is to increase website traffic, then metrics such as page views and unique visitors would be relevant. On the other hand, if the goal is to improve conversion rates, then metrics such as click-through rates and bounce rates would be more appropriate.


Digital marketing metrics should also be integrated with overall business metrics for a comprehensive view of performance. This integration allows businesses to see how their digital efforts are contributing to overall performance and identify areas that need improvement. For example, if social media engagement is high but sales are low, it may indicate a need for better targeting or messaging.


Social media and marketing metrics should also be tracked across all social channels to ensure consistency and effectiveness. Consistency across channels helps build brand recognition while tracking effectiveness provides insights into which channels are performing well and which ones need improvement.


Management should establish a timeline for reviewing and adjusting metrics to ensure ongoing alignment with business goals. Regular reviews allow businesses to adapt quickly to changes in the market or shifts in business priorities.

Identifying Risks in Digital Audits

Data breaches, website downtime, and poor user experience are some of the key risks that can arise during a digital audit. These risks can lead to financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal liabilities. It is crucial to identify and address these risks in a timely manner to ensure the safety and security of digital assets.

Outdated Software

One of the most common risks in a digital audit is outdated software. Outdated software can leave systems vulnerable to cyberattacks and malware infections. It is important to keep all software up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. Failure to do so can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, and reputational damage.

Weak Passwords

Another risk that should be identified during a digital audit is weak passwords. Weak passwords are easy targets for hackers who use brute force attacks or social engineering tactics to gain access to sensitive information. To mitigate this risk, it is recommended that strong password policies are put in place such as enforcing complex password requirements, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regular password changes.

Lack of Security Protocols

A lack of security protocols is another key risk that should be identified during a digital audit. Without proper security protocols in place, systems are left vulnerable to various types of cyberattacks such as phishing scams or ransomware attacks. A thorough risk assessment should include an evaluation of existing security protocols such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), antivirus software, encryption methods, and backup procedures.

Regular Risk Assessment

To ensure the safety and security of digital assets, it is essential to conduct regular risk assessments. A thorough risk assessment should evaluate all potential risks associated with digital assets including hardware infrastructure, software applications, web applications, mobile applications, cloud services etc. The results from this assessment will provide valuable insights into areas where improvements need to be made.

Industry-Specific Experience in Digital Audits

Context is key digital audit professionals must have industry-specific experience. This means understanding the unique challenges and opportunities that are specific to each client's industry. By leveraging their knowledge of the industry, digital audit professionals can identify KPIs and benchmarks that are relevant and meaningful for the client.


Evidence Act certification is another important aspect of being a digital audit professional. This certification ensures that the findings and recommendations provided by the professional are admissible in court if needed. It adds an extra layer of credibility to the work done by digital audit professionals.

Tailored Recommendations

One of the biggest benefits of having industry-specific experience is being able to provide tailored recommendations for clients. For example, a digital audit professional with experience in e-commerce would be able to identify areas where a client's website could be optimized for increased sales or improved user experience. They would also be able to recommend specific strategies for improving search engine rankings within that particular industry.

Identifying Emerging Trends

Digital marketing trends are constantly evolving, making it crucial for businesses to stay up-to-date with best practices in their respective industries. A digital audit professional with industry-specific experience can help clients stay ahead of the competition by identifying emerging trends and recommending strategies for implementation.


For example, a professional with experience in healthcare marketing might recommend incorporating telemedicine services into a client's website as part of an overall strategy for improving patient care and increasing revenue streams.

Optimizing Digital Presence

Ultimately, the goal of a digital audit is to help clients optimize their online presence and achieve their business goals. By leveraging their industry-specific knowledge, digital audit professionals can identify areas where improvements can be made and recommend strategies for achieving those improvements.


For example, a professional with experience in hospitality marketing might recommend implementing a booking engine on a hotel's website as part of an overall strategy for increasing direct bookings and reducing dependency on third-party booking sites.

Technology for Digital Audits

The Role of Technology in Digital Audits

Analyzing electronic records can be a daunting task. It requires an immense amount of effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of digital audits. This is where technology plays a crucial role. In this section, we will discuss the use of technology in digital audits and how it can improve efficiency while reducing errors.

Digital Audits and Information Technology

Digital auditing involves analyzing electronic records to detect discrepancies or irregularities. The process requires extensive knowledge of information technology (IT) systems, data analytics software, and automated testing programs. IT professionals play a critical role in ensuring that digital audits are conducted accurately and efficiently.

Technology Audit: Ensuring Accurate Digital Audits

A technology audit is necessary to ensure that IT systems are functioning correctly and providing accurate data for digital audits. It involves examining the IT infrastructure, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and assessing the effectiveness of security measures. A technology audit helps organizations identify areas for improvement in their IT systems, which can lead to more accurate digital audits.

Digital Auditing Tools: Streamlining the Process

Data analytics software is an essential tool for conducting digital audits. It allows auditors to analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, saving time while reducing errors. Automated testing programs also help streamline the process by automating repetitive tasks such as data entry or report generation.

The Use of Technology: Improving Efficiency and Reducing Errors

The use of technology in digital audits improves efficiency by streamlining processes, reducing manual labor, and minimizing errors caused by human error. Automation reduces the risk of mistakes caused by fatigue or oversight while increasing productivity.

Preparing for a Digital Audit

Identifying the Scope of the Digital Audit

To prepare for a digital audit, the first step is to identify the scope of the audit. This involves reviewing all digital channels and platforms used by the company. The purpose of this review is to ensure that all channels and platforms are included in the audit process. It is important to note that digital channels and platforms can include websites, social media accounts, email marketing campaigns, mobile apps, and more.


Once you have identified all relevant digital channels and platforms, it is important to build a team responsible for the internal audit process. This team should consist of individuals who have the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the audit effectively. For example, if your company has a website, you may want to include someone with experience in web development or design on your audit team.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

The next step in preparing for a digital audit is gathering all necessary evidence and documentation required for the audit. This includes financial reporting as well as reporting on digital channels. Financial reporting may include things like balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and more.


Reporting on digital channels may involve collecting data on website traffic, social media engagement metrics (likes, shares), email marketing campaign statistics (open rates, click-through rates), mobile app downloads or usage stats etc.


It is important to ensure that all work carried out during the audit is in compliance with the Evidence Act. This act sets out rules regarding how evidence can be collected and presented in legal proceedings. Even if there are no legal proceedings involved in your particular case or situation it's good practice to follow these guidelines as they help ensure accuracy.

Reporting Findings Accurately

Finally, it's essential that all findings are reported accurately and in a timely manner after completion of auditing process. This means presenting findings clearly so they can be easily understood by non-technical stakeholders such as senior management or board members who might not have technical knowledge. It is also important to present findings in a way that highlights potential risks and opportunities for improvement.

Key Points for Digital Audits

In conclusion, digital audits are crucial for businesses to ensure their online presence is optimized and effective. To conduct a successful digital audit, it is important to follow the following ways:


Firstly, equip yourself with knowledge on web crawling and high-quality audits. This will help you understand how search engines crawl websites and what factors they consider when ranking them.


Secondly, perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of your digital portfolio. This involves analyzing data such as website traffic, social media engagement, and customer feedback to identify areas that need improvement.


Thirdly, harmonize business and digital metrics by aligning your online goals with your overall business objectives. This ensures that your digital strategy supports your business strategy.


Fourthly, identify risks in digital audits by conducting a thorough analysis of potential threats such as security breaches or negative reviews.


Fifthly, leverage industry-specific experience in digital audits by seeking out experts who have experience working in your particular industry.


Sixthly, utilize technology for digital audits by using tools such as Google Analytics or SEMrush to gather data and analyze performance.


Lastly, prepare for a digital audit by creating a checklist of steps to follow and ensuring all stakeholders are aware of the process.


By following these recommendations, businesses can conduct successful digital audits that lead to improved online visibility and increased ROI. Remember that conducting regular audits is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. With the right approach and mindset towards optimizing your online presence through a comprehensive audit process – you can achieve great results!


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We believe that successful digital marketing is all about collaboration, so we can't wait to hear more about your business and what you hope to achieve. Whether you're looking to increase your online visibility, boost conversions, consult with a marketing expert, or engage with your audience on social media, we're here to help. If you're ready to take your digital presence to the next level, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us using the form above or schedule a call with one of our marketing experts. We're excited to learn more about your business and explore the possibilities of working together.
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