May 10, 2023

User Generated Content- What is it and How is it Relevant?

Discover the power of user generated content and how it can drive your business forward. Learn best practices and get started today.

User generated content is any content that is created by users instead of the creator or publisher of a website or blog. This type of content can come in many forms, including text, images, videos, and other media that users share on specific landing pages or product pages. Allowing users to create and share content can help increase audience engagement and provide valuable insights into what users are interested in.

WordPress and other website platforms have plugins and tools that make it easy for users to create and share content on blogs, product pages, and even ads. User generated content can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness and driving conversions on websites and product pages.

There are a few things to keep in mind. First, it's important to allow users to create content that is relevant to your website or blog. This means providing clear guidelines for what types of content are acceptable, as well as making sure that the content fits with your overall brand messaging.

Another key consideration when creating user generated content is ensuring that the creator or publisher has control over what gets published. This means having systems in place to review user submissions before they go live on your website or blog.

One benefit of user generated content is that it can help build trust with your audience by showing them that you value their opinions and input. By allowing users to contribute their own ideas and perspectives, you demonstrate a willingness to listen and engage with your audience.

Influencer Creating a How-To UGC Video

Understanding User Generated Content

The Benefits of User Generated Content

Insights into Customer Preferences and Behaviors

User generated content (UGC) can provide valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of a brand's target audience. By analyzing user generated content (UGC), brands can gain a better understanding of their customers' needs and interests. This information can be used to inform marketing strategies, product development, and customer service initiatives.

For example, a beauty brand may notice that their customers are creating user generated content (UGC) around natural makeup looks. This insight could lead the brand to develop new products that cater to this trend or create targeted marketing campaigns that appeal to customers interested in natural makeup.

Increased Trust and Credibility with Customers

User generated content (UGC) is seen as more authentic and genuine than branded content. When customers see other individuals using and enjoying a product or service, they are more likely to trust the brand. In fact, according to a study by Stackla, 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support.

By incorporating user generated content (UGC) into their marketing efforts, brands can build trust and credibility with their audience. For example, clothing retailer Aerie has built its brand around body positivity by featuring unretouched photos of real women in their advertising campaigns. This approach has resonated with customers who appreciate the authenticity of the brand.

Potential Risks of User Generated Content

Ensuring Appropriate Content

While user generated content (UGC) can be an effective way for brands to engage with their audience, it also comes with potential risks. Brands must ensure that the content being created by users is appropriate and complies with legal regulations.

For example, if a user creates content that includes copyrighted material or violates community guidelines, the brand could face legal repercussions or damage to its reputation. To mitigate these risks, brands should have clear guidelines for user-generated content creation and moderation processes in place.

Managing Negative Feedback

Another potential risk associated with user generated content (UGC) is negative feedback from users. While negative feedback can be an opportunity for brands to improve their products or services, it can also damage the brand's reputation if not handled properly.

For example, if a customer creates user generated content (UGC) that is critical of a product or service and the brand does not respond appropriately, other customers may view the brand as unresponsive or uncaring. Brands must have a plan in place for managing negative feedback and addressing customer concerns in a timely and effective manner.

Importance of User Generated Content for Your Business

Influencer Marketing: Amplifying User Generated Content

Influencer marketing is one of the most popular ways for businesses to leverage user generated content. Influencers are individuals with a large following on social media who have built a reputation for their expertise and authenticity in a particular niche. By partnering with influencers, businesses can tap into their audience and amplify their message through authentic and engaging content.

One of the biggest advantages of influencer marketing is that it allows businesses to reach new audiences that they may not have been able to reach otherwise. Influencers have already built trust and credibility with their followers, so when they recommend a product or service, their followers are more likely to take action. This can be especially valuable for businesses that are just starting out or trying to break into a new market.

Another advantage of influencer marketing is that it allows businesses to create highly targeted campaigns. Influencers typically have a very specific niche or audience, which means that businesses can choose influencers who align with their target demographic. This ensures that the content created by the influencer will resonate with the intended audience and drive engagement.

Encouraging User Generated Content: Fostering Community and Pride

Encouraging user generated content can also benefit a company's employees by fostering a sense of community and pride in the brand. When employees feel connected to the brand and believe in its mission, they are more likely to create content that reflects those values.

One way to encourage user generated content from employees is through employee advocacy programs. These programs provide employees with guidelines for creating content about the brand on social media, as well as incentives for doing so. By empowering employees to become advocates for the brand, companies can increase brand awareness and reach new audiences.

Another way to encourage user generated content is through contests or giveaways. By offering prizes or recognition for the best user generated content related to your business, you can incentivize customers and followers to create engaging content on your behalf. This not only increases brand awareness, but also creates a sense of community among your followers.

The Power of User Generated Content: Building Trust and Authenticity

One of the biggest advantages of user generated content is that it builds trust and authenticity with customers. Customers are more likely to trust content created by real people who have experienced the product or service, rather than content created by the business itself.

User generated content can take many forms, including reviews, testimonials, social media posts, and blog articles. By curating and sharing this content on your website and social media channels, you can showcase the positive experiences that customers have had with your business. This not only builds trust with potential customers, but also reinforces the loyalty of existing customers.

The Effectiveness of UGC and Why It Matters

The Power of User Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns

User generated content (UGC) campaigns have been proven to be an effective way to increase engagement and brand awareness. User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content created by users or customers, rather than the brand itself. This can include social media posts, reviews, photos, videos, and more. User generated content (UGC) can help build trust and credibility with potential customers as it provides social proof of a product or service's quality.

One reason why user generated content (UGC) campaigns are so effective is that they allow brands to leverage their existing customer base to create content. This reduces the need for expensive advertising campaigns and allows brands to connect with their audience in a more authentic way. When customers see other people like themselves using and enjoying a product or service, they are more likely to feel confident in making a purchase.

Another benefit of user generated content (UGC) campaigns is that they can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors. By analyzing the content created by users, brands can gain a better understanding of what their audience likes and dislikes. This information can then be used to tailor marketing strategies accordingly for user generated content (UGC) campaigns.

The Power of Social Media

The effectiveness of user generated content (UGC) is further amplified by social media. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube etc., make it easy for users to share their experiences with others. When someone shares a post about a product or service on social media, it has the potential to reach a much wider audience than if it was just shared privately.

Social media also allows for organic buzz around a brand. When enough people start talking about something online, it can quickly become viral and generate even more attention. Brands that are able to tap into this kind of organic buzz through user generated content (UGC) campaigns are often able to achieve significant growth without spending large amounts on advertising.

There are many examples of successful user generated content (UGC) campaigns across various industries:

TikToker Influencer Creating Some Content

Best Practices for Working with UGC in Social Commerce

Align User Generated Content (UGC) with Your Brand's Values and Messaging in Social Commerce

One of the best practices for working with user-generated content (UGC) in social commerce is to ensure that it aligns with your brand's values and messaging. It is important to establish a clear set of guidelines for users to follow when submitting content to maintain quality and consistency.

Having a consistent message across all platforms can help build trust with customers. For example, if your brand values sustainability, then you should encourage user generated content (UGC) that showcases eco-friendly practices or products. This will not only reinforce your brand's message but also attract customers who share similar values.

Implement Clear Guidelines for Users

To ensure the quality and consistency of user generated content (UGC), it is essential to implement clear guidelines for users. These guidelines should outline what type of content is acceptable, including image size, format, and tone.

For instance, if you are a fashion retailer, you may require images that showcase the clothing item clearly without any distractions in the background. You may also specify that the images should be taken in natural light rather than artificial lighting.

Regularly Monitor and Moderate User Generated Content (UGC)

Regular monitoring and moderation of user generated content (UGC) are crucial to maintaining appropriate content on your social media channels. Monitoring can help identify potential issues early on before they escalate into larger problems.

Moderation involves removing any inappropriate or irrelevant content from your social media channels. This can include spam comments or posts that do not align with your brand's values or messaging.

Leverage User Generated Content (UGC) to Create a Sense of Community

User generated content (UGC) can be an effective way to create a sense of community among your followers on social media. By showcasing user-generated content, you are demonstrating that you value their contributions and opinions about your brand.

Encouraging engagement through contests or challenges can also increase participation from followers while generating more user generated content (UGC) for your brand.

Clarifying the Type of User Generated Content (UGC)You Want

Identifying the Different Types of User Generated Content (UGC)

Before you start accepting user-generated content (UGC), it is essential to identify the different types available. This will help you determine which type aligns with your brand's values and goals. The most common types of user generated content (UGC) include images, videos, reviews, comments, and social media posts. Each type has its unique benefits and drawbacks.

For instance, user generated content (UGC) images can be used on your website or social media channels to showcase your products or services in real-life situations. On the other hand, videos can be used to provide tutorials or demonstrations of how to use a product or service. Reviews are also an excellent form of user generated content (UGC) as they provide valuable feedback from customers who have already used your product or service.

Determining the Type of User Generated Content (UGC) That Aligns With Your Brand's Values and Goals

Once you've identified the different types of user generated content (UGC) available, it's time to determine which one aligns with your brand's values and goals. For example, if you're a fashion brand that focuses on sustainability, you may want to encourage customers to submit images showcasing how they style their clothes sustainably. If you're a fitness brand that promotes healthy living, you may want to ask customers for videos showcasing their workout routines.

It's important to note that not all types of user generated content (UGC) will align with your brand's values and goals. Therefore, it's crucial to choose the type that resonates best with your target audience while staying true to your brand identity.

Specifying the Type of UGC You Want To Receive From Your Audience

Now that you've identified the type of user generated content (UGC) that aligns with your brand's values and goals; it's time to specify what kind of content you want from your audience explicitly. For example, if you're asking for images from customers showcasing how they use your product in real-life situations, you may want to specify the type of images you're looking for. This could include images that show your product in action or how it complements their lifestyle.

Being Clear About the Guidelines for Submitting User Generated Content (UGC)

It's essential to communicate the guidelines for submitting user generated content (UGC) clearly. This includes specifying the type of content that is acceptable and what isn't. For example, if you're a family-friendly brand, you may want to specify that any user generated content (UGC) submitted must be appropriate for all ages.

It's crucial to provide clear instructions on how customers can submit their content. This could include a dedicated email address or a hashtag they can use when sharing their content on social media.

Communicating the Type of UGC You Want Through Your Social Media Channels and Website

Finally, once you've determined the type of user generated content (UGC) you want to receive from your audience and specified the guidelines for submitting it, it's time to communicate this information through your social media channels and website. Let your audience know exactly what kind of content you're looking for and how they can submit it.

One way to encourage more submissions is by showcasing some of the best user generated content (UGC) on your website or social media channels regularly. This will not only inspire others to submit their content but also showcase your appreciation for your customers' efforts.

Offering Value to Customers to Encourage User Generated Content (UGC)

Incentivizing UGC Creation

One of the most effective ways to encourage customers to create user-generated content (UGC) is by offering incentives or rewards. Offering discounts, free products, or exclusive access can motivate customers to participate and submit high-quality content. For example, Starbucks launched a campaign called "White Cup Contest," where they encouraged customers to decorate their white cups and submit photos on social media using the hashtag #WhiteCupContest. The winner's design was printed on a limited edition reusable cup, and the company received over 4,000 entries in just three weeks.

Using User Generated Content (UGC) in Marketing Campaigns

By incorporating user generated content (UGC) into marketing campaigns, companies can increase engagement and trust with potential customers. According to a survey conducted by Stackla, 86% of consumers believe that authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support. By showcasing real-life experiences from satisfied customers through UGC campaigns, companies can establish trust with their audience and differentiate themselves from competitors. For example, Airbnb frequently features user-generated photos of their properties on their website and social media channels.

Benefits for User Generated Content (UGC) Creators

Not only do companies benefit from using user generated content (UGC) in their marketing efforts, but the creators of that content can also reap rewards such as increased exposure and recognition for their work. In some cases, this exposure may even lead to career opportunities. For instance, travel blogger Jack Morris (@doyoutravel) gained millions of followers after sharing his travel photos on Instagram. He now works with tourism boards around the world and has turned his passion for photography into a full-time career.

Directly Benefitting from User Generated Content (UGC)

Some businesses offer services or products that directly benefit from user-generated content creation. Photo-sharing apps like Instagram thrive because users constantly upload new images that other users engage with through likes and comments. Review websites like Yelp rely heavily on customer reviews to provide valuable information to potential customers. By creating a platform that relies on user generated content (UGC), these businesses encourage frequent and high-quality content submissions from their users.

Getting Started with UGC: Incorporating Different Types of UGC into Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing Goals and Objectives That User Generated Content (UGC) Can Support

UGC or user-generated content can be a powerful tool to support your marketing strategy. But before you start incorporating it into your campaigns, you need to identify the marketing goals and objectives that user generated content (UGC) can support. One of the most significant benefits of user generated content (UGC) is that it can help build trust with potential customers. When people see others using and enjoying your product or service, they are more likely to trust your brand.

Another goal that user generated content (UGC) can support is increasing engagement on social media platforms. Social media algorithms favor posts that generate high levels of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares. By incorporating user generated content (UGC) into your social media strategy, you can increase engagement by encouraging followers to share their experiences with your brand.

Different Ways to Incorporate User Generated Content (UGC) in Your Marketing Campaigns

Now that you have identified the marketing goals and objectives that user generated content (UGC) can support let's discuss different ways you can incorporate it into your marketing campaigns.

Social Media: Social media platforms are an excellent place to encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand through reviews, testimonials, and social media posts. You can also create branded hashtags to make it easier for users to find all the content related to your brand.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is another effective way to incorporate user generated content (UGC) into your campaigns. You can include customer reviews or testimonials in promotional emails or create a dedicated email campaign featuring user-generated content.

Website Content: Incorporating user-generated content on your website is an excellent way to create a more authentic and engaging brand experience for visitors. You can feature customer photos or videos on product pages or create a dedicated section on your website showcasing user-generated content.

Developing a Clear Strategy for Collecting, Curating, and Promoting UGC

To ensure that the user-generated content aligns with your overall marketing goals, it's crucial to develop a clear strategy for collecting, curating, and promoting user generated content (UGC). Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Set clear guidelines for the type of content you want to feature on your website or social media platforms.
  2. Use tools like hashtags, mentions, and tags to make it easier to find user-generated content related to your brand.
  3. Curate the best user-generated content by featuring it on your website or social media platforms.
  4. Promote user-generated content by sharing it on your social media channels, including it in email campaigns, or using it in advertisements.

Creating an Authentic and Engaging Brand Experience

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating user generated content (UGC) into your marketing strategy is that it can help create a more authentic and engaging brand experience for your audience. By showcasing real people using and enjoying your product or service, you can build trust with potential customers and increase brand loyalty among existing customers.

Setting Goals for Your User Generated Content (UGC) Campaign: Key Social Media Terms to Know

Engagement Rate: Measuring Your Audience's Interest

If you want to measure your audience's interest in your user generated content (UGC) campaign, engagement rate is a key metric to track. Engagement rate measures the percentage of people who interact with your content in some way, such as liking, commenting, or sharing. A high engagement rate means that your content is resonating with your audience and generating interest.

To calculate engagement rate, divide the total number of engagements by the total number of impressions (the number of times your content was seen). For example, if you had 100 likes and 10 comments on a post that was seen by 1,000 people, your engagement rate would be 11% ((100+10)/1000 x 100).

Increasing engagement can help boost brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. To increase engagement, try asking questions or encouraging users to share their own experiences related to your brand.

Reach: How Many People See Your Content

Reach measures how many people see your content. It's important to track reach because it gives you an idea of how many people are being exposed to your brand through UGC campaigns. Reach can be organic (people who see your content without paid promotion) or paid (people who see your content through targeted advertising).

To increase reach organically, try using hashtags or partnering with influencers who have large followings. Paid reach can be increased through targeted advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Impressions: The Number of Times Your Content Was Seen

Impressions measure the number of times your content was seen. Unlike reach which counts unique views only once per user, impressions count every time someone sees the same piece of content multiple times.

While impressions alone don't necessarily indicate success for a user generated content (UGC) campaign since they don't take into account whether someone engaged with the post or not, tracking them can give insight into how far-reaching a campaign is.

Conversions: Turning Engagement Into Sales

The ultimate goal of a user generated content (UGC) campaign is often to drive sales, and conversions measure how many people took action after engaging with your content. A conversion could be anything from making a purchase to signing up for a newsletter.

To track conversions, you'll need to set up conversion tracking on your website or social media platform. This will allow you to see which user generated content (UGC) campaigns are driving the most conversions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Choosing the Right Social Media Channels

Different social media channels have different strengths so it's important to choose the right channels based on your goals. For example, Instagram is great for visual content and has a high engagement rate, while Twitter is better for real-time updates and breaking news.

When choosing social media channels for your user generated content (UGC) campaign, consider factors such as audience demographics (age, location, interests), type of content you plan to share (photos, videos, text), and the level of engagement you hope to achieve.

Successful Case Studies of User Generated Content (UGC) in Action: Learning from Negative and Positive Examples

Great Example: Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" Campaign

Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign is a prime example of how user-generated content can be used to increase brand awareness and sales. The campaign involved printing popular names on Coca-Cola bottles and encouraging customers to share photos of themselves with their personalized bottles on social media using the hashtag #ShareaCoke. The campaign was a huge success, resulting in over 500,000 photos shared on social media, 25 million new Facebook followers for the brand, and an increase in sales by 2.5% in the US alone.

Experiences: Starbucks' "White Cup Contest"

Another successful example of user generated content (UGC) is Starbucks' "White Cup Contest". In this contest, Starbucks asked customers to decorate their plain white cups with unique designs and submit them on social media using the hashtag #WhiteCupContest. The winning design would then be printed on limited edition Starbucks cups. This campaign generated more than 4,000 entries within three weeks and resulted in significant engagement on social media platforms.

Case Study: Lay's "Do Us a Flavor" Contest

Lay's "Do Us a Flavor" contest is another great example of how user generated content (UGC) can be leveraged successfully. In this contest, Lay's asked customers to come up with new flavors for their potato chips and submit them online. The winning flavor would then be produced as a limited edition product for sale across the country. This campaign generated over 3.8 million submissions from customers across the US and resulted in an increase in sales by 12% during the promotional period.

Negative Experience: McDonald's Twitter Campaign

However, negative experiences with user generated content (UGC) campaigns can also occur if not executed properly. One such example is McDonald's Twitter campaign where they asked customers to share positive stories about their experiences at McDonald's using the hashtag #McDStories. Unfortunately, the campaign was hijacked by trolls who used the hashtag to share negative stories about their experiences with the brand. This resulted in negative publicity for McDonald's and the campaign had to be pulled within two hours of its launch.

Learning from Negative and Positive Examples

The success or failure of a user generated content (UGC) campaign depends on various factors such as planning, execution, messaging, and alignment with brand values. Businesses can learn from both positive and negative examples of user generated content (UGC) campaigns to avoid pitfalls and replicate successes. It is important for businesses to plan their campaigns carefully, taking into account potential risks and ensuring that they align with their brand values and messaging.

T-Mobile's Breakup Letters Campaign

T-Mobile, one of the largest wireless carriers in the United States, launched a successful marketing campaign called "Breakup Letters" that leveraged user-generated content to drive brand sentiment. The campaign encouraged customers to write breakup letters to their current carriers and share them on social media using the hashtag #breakupwithyourcarrier. This campaign generated over 80,000 breakup letters and helped T-Mobile gain brand loyalists by positioning itself as a brand that listens to its customers.

## Using User-Generated Content for Marketing Campaigns

User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content created by users or customers rather than brands or companies. user generated content (UGC) can be anything from photos and videos to reviews, comments, and social media posts. Brands can use user generated content (UGC) as part of their marketing campaigns to create authentic connections with their audience.

The success of T-Mobile's Breakup Letters campaign shows how effective user generated content (UGC) can be in driving brand sentiment. By encouraging customers to share their experiences with other carriers, T-Mobile was able to position itself as a company that values customer feedback and listens to its audience.

Other brands have also successfully used user generated content (UGC) in their marketing campaigns. For example, Calvin Klein used user generated content (UGC) on Instagram by asking followers to post photos of themselves wearing Calvin Klein underwear using the hashtag #MyCalvins. Warby Parker encourages customers to upload photos of themselves trying on glasses using the hashtag #WarbyHomeTryOn. Coca-Cola has also used user generated content (UGC) in several campaigns, including its "Share a Coke" campaign where it printed people's names on Coke bottles.

Girl on her phone on social media

Benefits of User-Generated Content Marketing Campaigns

Using user generated content (UGC) in marketing campaigns offers several benefits for brands:


User Generated Content (UGC) is created by real people with real experiences, making it more authentic than branded content.


Creating original content can be expensive, but UGC is often free or low-cost.


UGC encourages engagement and participation from customers, which can lead to increased brand loyalty.


UGC can help brands reach new audiences by tapping into the social networks of their customers.

Wrapping Up: The Power of User Generated Content

As we've seen, user generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase brand awareness, social proof, and engagement with their audiences. By leveraging the creativity and enthusiasm of your customers and followers, you can create compelling social media posts, product reviews, news stories, and more that resonate with your target audience.

To get started with user generated content (UGC), it's important to first clarify the type of content you want to encourage. Whether it's branded hashtags on Instagram or customer reviews on Amazon, there are many different types of user generated content (UGC) that can be used to promote your brand across multiple platforms.

Once you've identified the right channels for your user generated content (UGC) campaign, it's important to offer value to your customers in order to encourage them to participate. This might include discounts on future purchases or recognition as an influencer within your community.

Finally, setting clear goals for your user generated content (UGC) campaign is key to measuring its success. Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness or drive sales of a particular product line, tracking metrics like engagement rates and click-throughs can help you determine what's working and what needs improvement.

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